And sail they did, through the night. Through the night by the moonlight.
And when the morning broke, and when the children awoke, it was Logan in Red, who first spoke.
“As you, my comrades, slept, I served my duty, and peace I kept. For in the night upon us fell a terrible fright. A monster, a goon, an alien of the moon, the worst sort of undelight; it was a villain of the most gruesome sight.
Where it came from, I cannot say, but the events unfolded in quite a peculiar way. It had begun in the dream, or so it seemed, for all was well, the sea sat calm, without the slightest swell. For we, the courageous four, had just set sail from the bay’s shore. Traveling for a time, slowly did we unwind, beneath the stars and moon, trusting danger did not loom.
It was I standing at the mast, when a shadow upon me was cast. I thought nothing of it, a shadow of the night; that was it. But then, as I stood by the sail, suddenly, in my right ear, I heard a piercing wail. So to my left I did turn, and a shadow I did discern. The shadow nearer towards me it crept, and into my ear, its voice slowly stepped.
‘Logan of Red, I have come for you, the boy of valor and fast stead. So stop your dreaming, child of red, and come away with me so we can start our scheming. Because this I know, that you my boy, have a powerful glow, and I can give you an arrow and bow, and your strength to the world you will show.
“Come boy. Come.” The shadow eeirily sung. “Now boy Now. Any more time, and you will surely fail.” And what was I to do, I thought. The shadow seemed to have me caught. Oh, the arrow and the bow, how I longed for it you can only know. The choice left me quite distraught, and inside myself I silently fought.
What was I to do? If only the future I could preview. So out to the sea, my eyes projected, and in the water the truth reflected, for suddenly I knew as my eyes perceived the slightest hint of blue what it was that I was meant to do.
The shadow had stood silent waiting for a while, as I, Logan of Red, remained my soul’s pilot, thinking how violent, how vile. What was this monster that came to distract me from my task, and doubt of myself how he had longed to cast.
He had come to destroy the bond of the Courageous Four, so I said to him, “I will hear your words, no more. For, only tonight, have we left the shore pursuing what is right, searching for a cure. A cure to save the baby in blue and to this I, Logan of Red will be true.”
The voice was dangerously quiet. Then the sea stirred, and I sensed the brewing of a riot. Then the voice yelled, I am a soul-less pirate!!!!
That was when I knew that a battle would ensue. So I closed my eyes and thought of the Baby in Blue. And strength he gave me, to defeat the soulless pirate of the sea.
“Now, here I stand, the morning after, thankful that we survived what could have been disaster if I had chosen to serve the selfish master. ”
“And thankful so, are we to you, Logan of Red, for the honor of what you do and the truth of your words said.” Replied Kylie of Pink as Logan let out a tired sigh.
“Now let us make you a bed, where you may rest your brave little head. And strength from respite may your mind find, after surviving such a daunting grind. For on our course, by way of boat, train, or horse, we shall continue, all in the name of the Baby in Blue.
And with that, William of Green gave Logan’s back a soft pat, and Ellis of Yellow tipped towards him the tip of his hat.
And together, for a moment, the Courageous Four silently sat looking out to the serene sea wondering what their destiny would come to be.
But they worried not, for if one thing in the night to them had been taught, it was that happiness, even from a soulless pirate could not be bought. Perhaps, instead, like a book unread, it should be a purpose sought.
And when the morning broke, and when the children awoke, it was Logan in Red, who first spoke.
“As you, my comrades, slept, I served my duty, and peace I kept. For in the night upon us fell a terrible fright. A monster, a goon, an alien of the moon, the worst sort of undelight; it was a villain of the most gruesome sight.
Where it came from, I cannot say, but the events unfolded in quite a peculiar way. It had begun in the dream, or so it seemed, for all was well, the sea sat calm, without the slightest swell. For we, the courageous four, had just set sail from the bay’s shore. Traveling for a time, slowly did we unwind, beneath the stars and moon, trusting danger did not loom.
It was I standing at the mast, when a shadow upon me was cast. I thought nothing of it, a shadow of the night; that was it. But then, as I stood by the sail, suddenly, in my right ear, I heard a piercing wail. So to my left I did turn, and a shadow I did discern. The shadow nearer towards me it crept, and into my ear, its voice slowly stepped.
‘Logan of Red, I have come for you, the boy of valor and fast stead. So stop your dreaming, child of red, and come away with me so we can start our scheming. Because this I know, that you my boy, have a powerful glow, and I can give you an arrow and bow, and your strength to the world you will show.
“Come boy. Come.” The shadow eeirily sung. “Now boy Now. Any more time, and you will surely fail.” And what was I to do, I thought. The shadow seemed to have me caught. Oh, the arrow and the bow, how I longed for it you can only know. The choice left me quite distraught, and inside myself I silently fought.
What was I to do? If only the future I could preview. So out to the sea, my eyes projected, and in the water the truth reflected, for suddenly I knew as my eyes perceived the slightest hint of blue what it was that I was meant to do.
The shadow had stood silent waiting for a while, as I, Logan of Red, remained my soul’s pilot, thinking how violent, how vile. What was this monster that came to distract me from my task, and doubt of myself how he had longed to cast.
He had come to destroy the bond of the Courageous Four, so I said to him, “I will hear your words, no more. For, only tonight, have we left the shore pursuing what is right, searching for a cure. A cure to save the baby in blue and to this I, Logan of Red will be true.”
The voice was dangerously quiet. Then the sea stirred, and I sensed the brewing of a riot. Then the voice yelled, I am a soul-less pirate!!!!
That was when I knew that a battle would ensue. So I closed my eyes and thought of the Baby in Blue. And strength he gave me, to defeat the soulless pirate of the sea.
“Now, here I stand, the morning after, thankful that we survived what could have been disaster if I had chosen to serve the selfish master. ”
“And thankful so, are we to you, Logan of Red, for the honor of what you do and the truth of your words said.” Replied Kylie of Pink as Logan let out a tired sigh.
“Now let us make you a bed, where you may rest your brave little head. And strength from respite may your mind find, after surviving such a daunting grind. For on our course, by way of boat, train, or horse, we shall continue, all in the name of the Baby in Blue.
And with that, William of Green gave Logan’s back a soft pat, and Ellis of Yellow tipped towards him the tip of his hat.
And together, for a moment, the Courageous Four silently sat looking out to the serene sea wondering what their destiny would come to be.
But they worried not, for if one thing in the night to them had been taught, it was that happiness, even from a soulless pirate could not be bought. Perhaps, instead, like a book unread, it should be a purpose sought.