Its 6:30 am here in Beijing and I am getting ready to depart the village for the final time. The completion of this tournament marks a great time to reflect on the progress and improvements of this group over the course of the Olympic Games as well as the journey we have taken over the past three years. We have come a long way, and while the 8th place finish is disappointing, we take from it a lesson about playing in big tournaments that could not be learned any other way. Sure we all wish that we could have medaled, but for the moment, we are exactly where we need to be. Nothing this group has ever accomplished has come easy - it is this resilience and persistence that will carry us forward over the next Olympic cycle. With the development of youth hockey in America as it is, the possibilities are limitless - we must only continue on the current course of USA Field Hockey, have belief in what we can accomplish, and the persistence to accomplish it.
My final days at the Olympic Games (since the conclusion of the Spain Game) have been like the rest of the experience, a whirlwind. The team was on the Today show and met Tiki Barber (the other Tiki Barber) and Meredith Veira. We watched the USA Women's soccer team win Gold against Brazil, and I had my picture taken with Vince Vaugn. This experience has been one of the most incredible of my life - one that I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to have shared with all of you who have read my blog, my famiy, my friends and especially my teammates. There will be more to come from USA Field Hockey. . . just stay tuned. . .as for now, I need to hop on my flight to the States. . . the U.S.A. is the best country in the world - I feel fortunate to have represented our wonderful country . . . GO USA!!
My final days at the Olympic Games (since the conclusion of the Spain Game) have been like the rest of the experience, a whirlwind. The team was on the Today show and met Tiki Barber (the other Tiki Barber) and Meredith Veira. We watched the USA Women's soccer team win Gold against Brazil, and I had my picture taken with Vince Vaugn. This experience has been one of the most incredible of my life - one that I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to have shared with all of you who have read my blog, my famiy, my friends and especially my teammates. There will be more to come from USA Field Hockey. . . just stay tuned. . .as for now, I need to hop on my flight to the States. . . the U.S.A. is the best country in the world - I feel fortunate to have represented our wonderful country . . . GO USA!!
From Virginia Beach;
Aunt Mary, Uncle Don, Rebecca, Sherry, Donald, Nicholas, and Claire.
You and the USA Hockey team have nothing to be disappointed about with 8th place. The experience alone will last you a lifetime. There are so many girls that look up to all of you and want to be like you. If the girls at BCS follow in your footsteps watch out world hockey in the future.
Hopefully you will have some time that you might be able to come support the Lady Lions at a game at home.
Congratulations on a Job well done.
For everything you have done to represent this country.
You are an idol for the female youth of America
Please keep us up to date on what you are up to. I will continue to check this blog.
We are all proud of you. I saw the banner for you in Berlin today and thought about you and all you have accomplished.
Let us know what you decide to do next.
You are definitely an inspiration for all young girls.